Critical Bug on R8 version

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Critical Bug on R8 version

Post by vascomark »


Segnalo un BUG molto fastidioso in questa versione:

- Aprire un nuovo disegno.
- Selezionare e disegnare sul foglio un rettangolo.
- Nella sezione "oggetto" modificare il valore della "larghezza" (senza premere il tasto INVIO)
- Selezionare con il mouse il campo "altezza" (in quel momento il programma si chiude)

Vedere video.


Please report a very annoying BUG in this version:

- Open a new drawing.
- Select and draw a rectangle on the sheet.
- In the "object info" section change the "width" value (without pressing the ENTER key)
- Select the "height" field with the mouse (at that moment the program closes)

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Re: Critical Bug on R8 version

Post by Andrew »

Grazie della segnalazione, l'apprezziamo molto!
Abbiamo riprodotto il bug e lo stiamo correggendo. Pubblicheremo un aggiornamento appena possibile.

Thanks for your report, we appreciate that very much!
We reproduced the bug and are at work to fix it. An update will be available as soon as possible.

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Re: Critical Bug on R8 version

Post by Andrew »

(it) Abbiamo corretto il bug e pubblicheremo un aggiornamento appena possibile. Abbiamo fatto diversi test e il problema dovrebbe verificarsi solo con la versione Mac e non su Windows.
(en) The crash has been fixed and we'll post an update as soon as possible. From our tests, it seems the issue only affected the Mac version and does not occur on Windows.

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Re: Critical Bug on R8 version

Post by ritondecasa »

I noticed this bug to and also the fact than we can't jump from the "X" value box to the "Y" box with the Tab key.

Do you have a date for the patch availability ?

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Re: Critical Bug on R8 version

Post by Andrew »

We're wrapping R8.1 up and should be ready to release within a few days at most.

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